Across Victoria, Climate Alliances work collaboratively on projects to provide value to their members, their regional communities and environments. Collectively they are known as the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances.
Each regional alliance is set up differently, however the alliance model is the same. All climate alliances in Victoria are formal, membership-based partnerships across a particular region who work together on projects. The alliance and its projects are coordinated by an Executive officer, funded by members' fees. The Executive Officers of each alliance meet regularly to share knowledge, coordinate advocacy work and work together on large-scale state wide joint projects. Each regional alliance is governed and managed by its members through its governance bodies. Each alliance has a nuanced purpose and governance structure, however they all work for the mutual benefit of their members and work practically on large scale projects to fill their objectives.
Each climate alliance has a dedicated coordinator to oversee projects, funding applications, networking and governance. Each Executive Officer also liaises and collaborates with other Alliance staff to coordinate large scale projects, knowledge sharing and advocacy work on behalf of member councils and organisations across the state.
Executive Officer CVGA
fran macdonald
Executive Officer WAGA
scott mckenry
Executive Officer EAGA
david Meiklejohn
Executive Officer NAGA
dominique la fontaine
Executive Officer SECCCA
carole hammond
Executive Officer GBGA
“The effectiveness and value of the alliance model is demonstrated by joint action that has enabled state-scale projects that are inaccessible without alliance involvement. Coordinated projects focus on preparing for climate impacts as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Advocacy work communicates regional perspectives to state and national governments. Members value return on contributions through projects however cooperation is its greatest value.